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The book recounts innocent and humorous ways in which the curious hen asks and asks questions about the animals that live on the farm.


Children aged 2-5 are very interested in animals and try to imitate the sounds that they make.


The farm animals described in the book are close to the world of the child, allowing the child to enrich his or her language and learn the names of the animals, the houses in which they live, and to mimic the sounds that they make. Study is presented in a fun way, accompanied by humor and illustrated with naive illustrations. 


With the curious figure of a parent hen, I give the parents an opportunity to read aloud a humorous story that depicts the life of animals. The parent and the child can discuss, in a fun and amusing way, animals living on the farm, the places of residence, their customs, and the sounds that they make. The book enriches and brings to life the language of the child and extends his or her knowledge about the world. In the hidden layer, the story criticizes the parent's habit of endlessly questioning.


While reading the story, the child can talk about additional features of the animals or what they give us, such as chickens give us eggs, cows and sheep give milk, milk can make cheese, and sheep produces wool we use to prepare warm clothes.

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